Entrepreneurs of Tomorrow - HVL launches its fourth Young Talents programme
. 1 minutes to read"A high schooler establishes a startup" - doesn't that sound amazing? When you read such news, it seems easy to do: one just needs to develop a unique idea, create the business, and work hard. We agree with the latter, yet there are also many pitfalls and nuances in business that one may not overcome without special knowledge, so it is better to start getting them as early as possible.
Today Health Venture Lab launches the next Young Talents programme as part of the Reactor accelerator, bringing together high calibre GE Healthcare experts and high school students with a thirst for knowledge. During the programme, students will learn to think critically, take responsibility, and make decisions independently. They will become more financially literate and try to set achievable goals according to their individual outlines. Project work is done in teams and allows students to learn to communicate with different people, distribute tasks, and find compromises. They also begin to understand that all digital health ideas are meaningful and needed by society, making them no longer afraid to speak up and generally feel more confident. Moreover, when students work on their projects during the Young Talents programme, they can try on different roles - marketer, designer, financial analyst, developer, etc. It helps a lot in self-determination and career guidance in the future.
Business education requires time and dedication. Nowadays, people oversaturated with ideas and content, and the speed at which various projects, businesses, startups come and go - is very high. Therefore, it is never too early to start doing something of your own and making sure it will be a success!
Check out the full programme journey here.